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This sequel to What's Happening!! was born when its domestic syndicated run proved to be even more successful than the original network airing. Seven years have elapsed and the characters are now young adults in their old neighborhood. Raj (Ernest Thomas), newly married, is still an aspiring writer, but to support his writing, he and Shirley (Shirley Hemphill), the lovable, assertive waitress, become co-owners of Rob's Place, the favorite hangout of the old gang. Rerun (Fred Berry), still a smooth talker, is now a slick TV used car salesman, while roommate Dwayne (Haywood Nelson) has gone into computers. New to the cast is Raj's wife Nadine (Anne-Marie Johnson), who comes from an affluent family, finds fulfillment in her job as a social worker, and is the profile of today's modern woman.
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